2013年9月9日 星期一

- 這產品增強彈跳力,專為增強瞬間超級爆發力而研製
- 重點訓練
-  特點係有 1至10度調教,當練到7時已經可以DUNK!
- 好處係唔先在籃球埸上訓練,在家都可以增強彈跳力。對入樽/封波/攔截好有幫助。


"入樽訓練鞋" - 你不知道 - 最多搜尋的人種是......爆發力最佳的黑人!

"入樽訓練鞋" 是於幾年前由一位美國運動家所開發,現在已經發展到5.0。可想而知,只有好的產品才能不斷提昇並於數年間已推出第五代。

據網上資料顯示,最多搜尋這產品是黑人13  -  20歲的運動員。証明爆炸力及彈跳力並不是與生俱來; 然而,也有很多的人需要後天的努力才擁有更好的身體條件,黑人亦不例外!!!!

NBA 入樽/封波/攔截特訓產品大比拼,很多產品短片令"與熱戀籃球的你"大大進步,不要錯過,請CLICK 一 CLICK!!!


Slam dunking a basketball is one of the most exciting thrills to witness in all of sports. And if YOU are the one dunking the ball, for that one delicious moment - YOU are the star. YOU are making the statement. YOU are important. YOU are the person other people wish they could be. YOU are the one feeling one of the ultimate thrills anyone can ever have. How much would that be worth to YOU? $500? $1000? Priceless?. . .

If you thought dunking was impossible . . . Think again.

We've created a system that's so easy to follow, so easy to use, it will explode your hops. In fact, this system is GUARANTEED to get you to dunk. No matter how far away from dunking you are now, whether you're a foot away, or just a couple of inches away, clanking the rim, this thing will take you over the top. This thing is called Squatflex, and in the underground balling circles, it's already become legendary. 

入樽特訓器 takes the mystery out of dunking.

It's so simple. You Need Strong Leg Muscles to Dunk. Obvious, but so easily overlooked. Get your legs muscle strong enough and you can dunk, no matter what height you are.

We've made it simple.

  1.  Begin using 入樽特訓器
  2. Increase the number of resistance bands you use
  3. Get to 7 bands of resistance
  4. Dunk away
  5. Impress everyone you know
Dunk Training the Quick & Easy Way

If you consider all the vertical jump exercises that are out there, they all boil down to one thing: making your legs strong enough to propel you in the air. Even the so called plyometric exercises for explosive training depend on having strong leg muscles to begin with. Why not cut to the chase. You haven't got all day. You need to get strong enough to lift serious poundages ASAP. For that, 入樽特訓器 is the method that gives you the most bang for the buck. Squatflex gives you the strongest leg muscles possible in the quickest, most efficient, and practical way ever.

By the Yard it's Hard . . . Inch By Inch It's a Cinch

How do you achieve all that extra vert between you and dunking? You just follow a simple progression of resistance until your legs get to the level of 7 bands. That's right, get to 7 bands you can dunk. Why 7 bands? 
We've tested dunker after dunker, and the average dunker can lift 7 bands per side. Anyone can train themselves to do it, you included. So even if you're not the tallest or genetically freakiest, there's hope for you yet. The power of dunking is totally achievable.

Here's the progression of what you can expect:

Level 3 bands per side: Average Strength
Level 4 bands per side: Getting There
Level 5 bands per side: Stronger
Level 6 bands per side: Just Missing Dunks
Level 7 bands per side: DUNKING !!!
Level 8 bands per side: KISSING THE RIM

FYI: 1 band per side is 60 lbs resistance. 7 bands per side is 420 lbs resistance. 
入樽特訓器 comes with 10 bands per side for up to 600 lbs resistance!

How Does 
Using giant flat rubber bands and a special anchoringplatform, 入樽特訓器 lets you wrap layer upon layer of rubber band to "gang" them up to incredibly high poundage / resistance levels. Follow the included workout program designed to steadily increase your max.When you can lift 7 bands per side, you’ll have the necessary leg power to propel your body into dunk territory. It’s the most surefire way to dunk ever. Plain and simple: You dunk or your money back, GUARANTEED.

The 入樽特訓器Does One Thing . . . And it Does it Extremely Well.

入樽特訓器takes the traditional squat and modifies into a much more effective exercise for building your vertical. You grab the bar behind your legs and stand up. It's a great way to do squat training for vertical jump. You get all the benefits without any of the side effects because it places much less load on your spine. All the work is done purely below the waist, and all the resistance is focused on your quadriceps. For vertical jump training, building the quadriceps is your top priority because of all the muscles in your body, it's the muscle group that contributes the most force to getting you off the ground. To develop the quads, no other device on the market comes close to offering the awesome 600 lbs of resistance you can get with the 入樽特訓器Again, plain and simple: You dunk or your money back, GUARANTEED.

入樽特訓器 is Your Secret Method

While there are high profile types who seek attention when they train, we recognize that if you're not able to dunk yet, you'd prefer to get attention for your actual dunks, not for your secret training methods. You'd like to hone your jumping skills under the radar. You'd rather come out of nowhere, unexpected, and just jam it down to the surprise of everyone. 
入樽特訓器is your secret method. 入樽特訓器is so compact and portable, it lets you get a high intensity crazy leg strength building workout anywhere. In your dorm room, bedroom, even in front of the TV. These are places you can be quietly, privately building massive leg strength, just waiting to be unleashed for your first ever dunk when you get to level 7.

The Reason You're Not Dunking Now

FACT: the average dunker can lift 7 bands on each side once (420 lbs). As a minimum, YOU MUST HAVE THAT LEVEL of leg strength to dunk. If you’re not dunking right now, it means your legs don’t have the necessary horsepower yet. Studies have shown a solid correlation between the amount you can squat and your vertical jump. The more weight you can squat, the higher you can jump.

Squats Are Great But . . .

The squat is considered the gold standard of strength training for vertical jump because it works the major muscle groups for jumping. However, your progress will depend on access to a squat rack, spotters, and complete dedication to driving over to the gym on a regular basis at up to $450 in yearly membership, not counting $400 in gas money. That's at least $850 with no guarantee of consistently being able to put in the work.

Or, you could spend over $2000 for a squat rack and Olympic barbell setup for your home. Then pay up to $500 just to have it all hauled by freight carrier truck, and then two movers with a forklift to roll it into your dorm? your bedroom upstairs? your already full garage?

Another Problem with Squats

The traditional squat with the bar on your shoulders places big load on your spine and lower back. The heavier you lift, the stress on your lower back outweighs the strength you gain in your legs. Overdoing the back squat can compress your vertebrae. Squished soft tissue in between your vertebrae over time can be quite painful. . .

Let's Review the Dollars:

$850 with: Hassle factor of going to a gym.  Standing in line waiting for the machine.  Rounding up people to spot you.  How likely are you going to be able to get in there, follow through with all this and work out consistently?

$2500 for your own home squat rack and Olympic barbell set. Rounding up people to spot you. Do you have the space for it? Again, how likely are you going to be able to follow through and work out consistently?

What would it be worth to you if you could dunk?

Without thinking twice, you may already have dropped some cash on:

    * a few pair of Nike's
    * a PS3 or XBox360
    * a couple pair of High End Jeans and a Designer Tshirt
    * an iPhone/iTouch and a couple of dates to the Cheesecake Factory

Hey Wake Up: That same amount cash is all it takes to make one of your greatest dreams come true. An incredible bargain to pay to get one the greatest feelings in the world: the thrill, satisfaction, and status of being able to DUNK A BASKETBALL!

I'm sold already. Let me have one now!

It's So Easy to Attain:

Just imagine: Order
 a 入樽特訓器 machine and have UPS drop it off at your door. You easily carry it upstairs. You take Squat Flex out of the box and start lifting. You follow the included workout program designed to steadily increase your max. Soon, you can lift 7 bands per side, and you find yourself in the exclusive league of those who can dunk. 入樽特訓器has proved to be the ticket to your dreams.

JAM! SPORT運動訓練專門店: www.jamsport.info
台灣查詢: 0987-780278 (張小姐), email: chang.musa@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E7%A9%BA%E4%B8%AD%E6%BC%AB%E6%AD%A5/366092300139577

九龍灣銷售點 (總店)
九龍灣宏開道1 5號九龍灣工業中心2樓, 7室
(九龍灣德福廣場A 出口)
電話: 6211 4000 

星期一至五 12 - 7pm
星期六/日 (於週五致電通知即可)

Rm 7, 2/F, Kowloon Bay Industrial Center, 15 Wang Hoi Rd, Kowloon Bay 
(MTR Exit A Telford plaza) 

旺角銷售點 (交收點)

星期一至日 12noon - 10pm (公眾假期休息)

